Danny Dorling
Danny Dorling is Professor of Geography at the University of Oxford. His work concerns issues of housing, health, employment, education, wealth and poverty.
Much of Danny's work is available open access (see www.dannydorling.org).
With a group of colleagues he helped create the website www.worldmapper.org which shows who has most and least in the world. His recent books include, co-authored texts The Atlas of the Real World: Mapping the way we live and Bankrupt Britain: An atlas of social change.
Sole authored books include, So you think you know about Britain and Fair Play, both in 2011; in 2012 The No-nonsense Guide to Equality, The Visualization of Social Spatial Structure and The Population of the UK; Unequal Health, The 32 Stops and Population Ten Billion in 2013; All That is Solid in 2014; and Injustice: Why social inequalities persist revised in 2015.
“The US and UK are remarkably similar in terms of inequality and in terms of poverty. Amongst the richest countries in the world, these are the two largest countries that have the highest rates of inequality, the most economically unequal – they are almost like twins.”
In this short video Danny dissects why Britain and America are unique among the rich nations of the world when it comes to poverty. He also explains why we can be hopeful that positive change will come.